An open letter to students and families
Dear Students and Families,
As we await the Premier’s announcements on 11 May about what the rest of term two may look like in response to COVID-19, we have something else we would like to say.
Thank you. For coming on this journey with us. For patiently working through the use of new technology, new ways of communicating and new ways of learning. We know it hasn’t been easy for everyone.
We are so happy that we have been able to continue to teach and train you through this uncertain time and so grateful for your understanding as we adapted to a whole new world together.
We don’t yet know what the announcements of 11 May will bring and it will certainly take us a little time to pivot to whatever comes next.
Rest assured that we will be following the lead of the advice provided by the Premier and Chief Health Officer and will continue to do our very best to bring you the education and training you deserve — whether that is face-to-face, nose-to-screen or even by snail mail.
Whatever may come – we got you. We are so proud of our little community.
All the best,
Sue Geals
CEO, Community College Gippsland
Executive Principal, ECG College